Sketchpad 3.0
Sketchpad 3.0

sketchpad 3.0
  1. #Sketchpad 3.0 update#
  2. #Sketchpad 3.0 license#
  3. #Sketchpad 3.0 download#

( x - dx/2 ) 3+b.( x - dx/2 ) 2+c.( x - dx/2 ) +dĪ.( x + dx/2 ) 3+b.( x + dx/2 ) 2+c.( x + dx/2 ) +d These two expressions give the value of your cubic functionfor ( x - dx/2 )and ( x + dx/2 )respectively. Using each of these measures and the measures of your four coefficients(a, b, c, and d) create the following two cubic expressions: a. In the calculator create the measure of ( x - dx/2 )and ( x + dx/2 ). In this activity we shall use our control_pt.gssscriptto create a control point that will be used to measure small changes inx. Play with the control points and see how the differentcoefficients affect the shape of the graph of the cubic function. Whileit is selected, change its color using the Display menu.

  • The locus of the cubic function should appear.
  • Select the plotted point and the point x IN THAT ORDERand choose Locus under the Construct menu.
  • sketchpad 3.0

  • If you don’t see the plotted point move your point xcloser to the origin.
  • Select the measure of x and this cubic expression INTHAT ORDER and Plot as (x, y) under the Graph menu.
  • Using the measures of a, b, c and d, and x constructthe following expression in the calculator: a.x 3+b.x 2+c.x+d.(You will need to press the * key between the measure of each coefficientand the measure of x.).
  • Measure the coordinates of x and use the calculatorto get the x-coordinate of x (see step 8 above).
  • Use your script to create four control points labeleda, b, c and d.
  • for point b, edit the measurement to read"b =" rather than "x a =". You willneed to change the labels of each new control point and also edit the measurementfor each control point (e.g. Simply select the y-axis and play your script. You can now use your script to place more control pointsalong the y-axis.
  • Stop your script recording and save the script as control_pt.gss.
  • Double click these coordinates to bring up the calculatorand click once more to get the x-coordinate of point a in the calculator.Click O.K.
  • Construct a segment between your two points (the oneon the y-axis and point a).
  • Place a point on the perpendicular line and change itslabel to "a".
  • Construct a line through this point perpendicular tothe y-axis.
  • Place a point on the y-axis somewhere below the x-axis.
  • Start a new script from the file menu and click therecord button.
  • Once youhave your script use it to construct a control point for each coefficientneeded for your particular function. The followingsteps can be used to construct dynamic graphs of most functions.First you need to create a script for constructing control pointsthat will be used for varying the coefficients of your function. To construct a graph of a function start by selecting CreateAxes from the graph menu. 3.0 it is possibleto construct the graph of almost any algebraic function using the Plotas (x, y) feature under the Graph menu and the Locusconstruction under the Construct menu. Copyright: Jason Johnston, - 'html5.js': License: MIT/GPL2 Licensed Source: Copyright: HTML5 Shiv v3.6 | - 'content-height.Constructing Tangents to Functions and Calculating the Derivative Constructing Tangents to Functionsand Calculating the Derivative

    #Sketchpad 3.0 license#

    '' in the "ie" folder License: Apache License Version 2.0 and GPL Version 3. The following js-files from "/js" Folder are used in the Theme:.Open Sans - License: Apache License Version 2.0 Copyright: Steve Matteson,

    sketchpad 3.0

    External font from Google Webfonts is used in Theme:.Copyrights for Resources used in this theme

    #Sketchpad 3.0 download#

    You can download the latest version of the program for work with PO and MO files Poedit.

    #Sketchpad 3.0 update#

    If you would like to create your own language pack or update the existing one, you can send the text of PO and MO files for BestWebSoft and we'll add it to the plugin.

  • Customizable background and color of site title.
  • If you do not use any widgets, widget «Pages» is shown by default. Also the theme support right sidebar and standard widgets. Theme supports navigation menu, which is located at the top of the page. You may change some design elements from Admin UI like: background of page, color of site title, header image as logo. It's a simple and very powerful tool for organizing your blog or other websites. The Sketchpad theme for WordPress is a simple solution to customize your website.

    Sketchpad 3.0